[wp-polyglots] Latvian translation team

Nikolay Bachiyski nbachiyski at developer.bg
Tue Oct 9 14:09:24 GMT 2007

2007/10/9, Jāzeps Baško <jaba at inbox.lv>:
> Hello,
> Is there any active Latvian translation team? I would like to contribute to
> the translation of wordpress in Latvian (lv).
> If there is a team, I would like to join it.
> If there is none, how does the cooperation go on? Is there a common
> wordpress SVN respository where we commit changes or do we have to set up
> smth like that on our own? It's not a problem, but if there is one, then
> where is it and how does one connect to it.

Hello Jāzeps,

As it seems, nobody is translating WordPress in Latvian, so you'll be
the first one :-)

We do use a svn repository, located at http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-i18n/

When you give me your wordpress.org forums username (register if you
don't have one) you will get commit access to the lv folder.

On the Codex [0] you can find information about the repository
structure and some WordPress-specific translation details.

It will be great if you add some information about you (and others on
the team) on our "WordPress in Your Language" page [1].

Thank you for your interest and happy translating,
Nikolay Bachiyski

[0] http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress
[1] http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language

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