[wp-polyglots] Missing message strings in .pot for WP 2.2 RC1

Ryan Boren ryan at boren.nu
Sun May 13 00:50:51 GMT 2007

On 5/12/07, Mirta Gjidara <mirtagj at gmail.com> wrote:
> - In the spirit of little details making the difference: Section:
> Write>Write Post>File Upload>Browse...  - Browse button stays untranslated.
> Which is, believe it or not, from my experience, one of the major pains for
> non-English speakers, at least for those I've had the "pleasure" of
> explaining file uploading issues (where to find the Browse button, what it
> does, etc., whether on a desktop interface, mail client or Hotmail, etc.)

For file inputs, the text on the "Browse" button is under the control
of the browser.  I think it should follow the language settings in
your browser.

> - Much more work to do: Section: Presentation> Header Image and Color -
> completely (or a great deal) missed out from .pot, resulting in
> all-English-section, including results of pressing the appropriate button (
> e.g. toggle between Hide Text>Show Text, etc.)

If someone wants to add gettext to functions.php for the default
theme, we can try to get it in.


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