[wp-polyglots] Translations on non-core files

Simos Xenitellis simos74 at gmx.net
Fri May 12 18:49:18 GMT 2006

O/H Humaneasy Consulting έγραψε:
> Hi,
> I have two questions:
> 1. After GETTEXT translating all plugins on my site where do I put the 
> MO files?
The MO file should be placed in the directory of each plugin. The name 
of the MO file should be LL.mo, where LL is the language code that 
corresponds to the main language file of WordPress (the value of 
WP_LANG, that is).
> 2. How hard would it be for the themes to use _e() and __() for 
> translation?
It is not hard. It's good to check an existing theme that is 
internationalised and simply follow the example.
I suppose you are familiar with xgettext to extract the messages in the 
PO file,
> On the second I already have the theme prepared and all tags 
> translated into MO files.
> I'm a PHP developer so with directions I can do it myself.
> In multi-lang websites having just a copy of the theme and plugins and 
> several MO files for languages used would be a major space saving for 
> other real important stuff, I think.
> I have some urgence on this, guys, so please, please, anwser.
I recommend you check the Giraffe theme, at
It even allows you to change the theme language from the sidebar.

Hope this helps,
http://simos.info/blog   (Visit my blog!)

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