[wp-polyglots] Does the new stiring work ?

tai tai at tekapo.com
Wed Dec 6 12:31:06 GMT 2006

Hi list,

I've tried 2.0.6b1 with updated ja.mo that I'd translated "%1$s %2$"
into "%2$d年 %1$s", but doesn't show it correctly like "2006年12月".  It
still shows the default order like "12月 2006".
On the other hand, it shows the string correctly on the latest trunk
like "2006年12月".

I've tried it on the local (PHP 5.1.6, MySQL 5.0.19) and dreamhost
(PHP 5.1.2, MySQL 5.0.24a), and I have the same result.

I'm wondering what's wrong with it and would like to know how it will
be on your hosts.
Any idea, please?


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