[wp-polyglots] Fw: Latest POT file missing strings

Rafael Bracho rxb at rxbtech.com
Thu Jul 28 18:35:38 GMT 2005

[I apologize if you get this in duplicate.  I cancelled my first
posting, before I was a member, but I'm not sure if I did it on
time.  --RXB]

Hi everybody,

I am working on a WordPress blog in Spanish, my native language.

I downloaded the latest es_ES.mo file and noticed that there are
several places which are not translated.  This is more obvious in
the admin interface, but there are other places as well.

So, thinking that the .mo file was incomplete (after all, it only
promises to be compatible with, I went ahead and downloaded
the .pot file.  Well, lo-and-behold, the .pot file is incomplete
itself!  This I discovered by pointing poEdit to it.

As a simple example, take the file wp-admin/index.php.  Line #12 reads:

<h2><?php _e('Latest Activity'); ?></h2>

But looking at wordpress.pot, there is no "Latest Activity" string
to be translated.  The end result is that such string appears in

So, my question is: Am I correctly realizing that the .pot file is
incomplete?  If so, does anyone have an up-to-date version?



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