[wp-hackers] On slug change, do something

Haluk Karamete halukkaramete at gmail.com
Tue Jul 30 02:44:06 UTC 2013

I'd like to hook into the event when a tag slug changes, I can fire an
action - for the sake of simplicity, let's say, I want to send en email
when a tag slug is modified.

I tried the  following piece of code but that did not do the trick. I'm
curious to know what is it that I need to do?


function do_something($data){

wp_mail( 'an_email_address_here', 'subject_here', 'some text here');

To try this, I changed the slug of a post_tag, but no email was fired.
I also tried changing the permalink of a post, that did not fired an email

What's the hook to tap into when a slug is changed? I'm particularly
interested in post_tag slugs change,


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