[wp-hackers] [GSOC 2013]: New user walkthrough

Kaiyi Zhang zky.own.star at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 08:30:36 UTC 2013

Hello Everyone,
      I'm Kaiyi Zhang , a Computer Science and Engineering student from
Civil Aviation University of China. I heared the GSOC and I'm very
intersted in this,I look through manny projects Until I See the "New user
walkthrough", I think this is my determine.

      When I First use wordpress,I browser manny pages for the usage of the
wordpress,it's a bit difficult for a beginer. This project touches my heart
, Make the wordpress easy to more people; and I Believe I can take this. On
one hand I have learned HTML CSS JavaScript Sql and finished several
projects with this which can Compatible most browsers(except IE6,IE7).The
most import is that I'm insterested in this,Make the wordpress Better;

      I hava prepared a w ordpress on my PC,and I browser my sites for user
walthrough,Here is my view about new user walkthrough:
      1:Show users a guided tour of what is what on a page
       2:Show users a guided tour of what is next step
      3:Show users a guided tour of things We Want they do

      This is my view on new user walkthrough and the purpose I decide to
make the new user walkthrough like.

      Thanks for Reading!

      About Me:
            Blog: http://learntome.org
            Github: https://github.com/MoveZhang/
            One of the authors  of  http://qianduan.net

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