[wp-hackers] comments should be a plugin

Ptah Dunbar pt at ptahd.com
Sun Mar 7 04:52:03 UTC 2010

> Am I the only one that is confused as to why nav_menu_item is in
> wp_posts? Maybe I should look into trunk and see why ;)

I was initially against nav menu items being stored in the posts table, but essentially the argument goes: menu items have a lot of the same attributes as posts e.g. link title (post_title), description (post_content), attribute title (post_excerpt), parent links (post_parent) you get the picture. So by menu items being stored in the posts table, they get a lot of things "for free" instead of creating a new table with more or less of the same table columns.

The posts table is more like a content types table. But yeah that goes back to the teenager reference. WP needs better semantics :)

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