[wp-hackers] hooks in Ozh Dropdown Admin Menu

Ozh ozh at planetozh.com
Fri Jan 9 10:31:47 GMT 2009

>That's kinda generic question, but I'd like to hear what does Ozh
>think about it himself. I found out that hooks that were available in
>previous version of the plugin, through which one could customize the
>look and content of the menu, are now gone from the newest version
>designed specially for WP 2.7. What were the motives behind this step?
>I mean will hooks return in future versions or there are gone forever?
>And why... anyway?

Either I don't get the question or you missed something. The hooks to add 
a custom icon to a plugin in menus are still there (the plugin itself uses 
it to get its own icon).

If I didn't get the point of your question, feel free to reply off-list 
(ozh at planetozh dot com) (unless of course there's something of general 
interest for the list)


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