[wp-hackers] Plugin Update Checker

DD32 wordpress at dd32.id.au
Tue Apr 3 09:51:05 GMT 2007

> Are you hosting the development of this somewhere (such as the
> wp-plugins SVN) so we can all join in?

At present i've only got a local SVN repos of it, i've not got any public  
releases of code whatsoever.
Since i've put this in for a GSoC proposal, i dont know if i've been  
accepted or not. (not until the 11th).
If accepted i'll be putting it up onto wp.org's plugin repos and hosting  
the dev. files there, so anyone will be able to check them out while  
progress is made.
If its not accepted, i'll put it up on the wp.org repos and let anyone  
help out, But if its being done as a project for GSoC, my understanding is  
that its supposed to be mainly the student working on the code.

> For the update checking bit the code out of my own update checker (
> www.mutube.com/projects/wordpress/update-manager/ ) could probably be
> gutted and used for the display. It checks with the data from
> wp-plugins.net rather than wp-plugins.org.

I took a look at your plugin previously, and took a few ideas from that.

> Wp-plugins.net chucks out the data in serialised variable form, e.g.
> http://wp-plugins.net/get_plugin_data.php?filter=im-online ( see:
> http://wp-plugins.net/faq.html ) which might be worth a thought - it
> avoids overhead of xml / feeds especially when you're checking
> multiple plugins.

Serialized data is a good idea actually, the XML files arnt that large  
reality, but certainly add up, serialised data is much easier to convert  
into readable data for PHP as well (without having to go through XML  
dealing functions/classes)
Now that i know how to get the wp-plugins.net data i'll look into the  
format and work around that, as well as around wp.org.

I'm uploading some screen shots of what the plugin currently looks like to  
here: http://dd32.id.au/files/wp-update/
I'm only working on it when i've got some spare time right now, Uni  
assignments have to get done as well! :(

On Tue, 03 Apr 2007 19:24:24 +1000, Martin Fitzpatrick  
<martin.fitzpatrick at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 03/04/07, DD32 <wordpress at dd32.id.au> wrote:
>> I've put a Summer of Code project proposal in for that idea..
>> Plus a few other things in there,
>> I've allready started working on related parts of it, and plan on
>> releasing something even if my proposal isnt accepted.
>> I'm planning on having it being able to automatically install most
>> plugins/themes, and checking updates periodically automatically.



> Martin
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