[wp-forums] GoDaddy hosting FTP issues with 4.0

Josh Lobe joshlobe at joshlobe.com
Fri Sep 12 21:48:13 UTC 2014

Thanks Otto (I'll read your link shortly :)).

So by 'manual update'.... you mean GoDaddy's file uploader thingy?
Is FTP supposedly working now on GoDaddy?

*Josh Lobe*
WP Edit Pro <http://wpeditpro.com>
Personal Website <http://www.joshlobe.com>

On 9/12/2014 5:40 PM, Otto wrote:
> The issue is fixed for WordPress files, but not necessarily for every other
> set of files on the planet. They whitelisted WordPress's files, essentially.
> GoDaddy has a real-time malware scanning system. If you attempt to send
> "bad files" over a connection to their servers, then it drops the
> connection. This is not limited to FTP, but it's the easiest way to trigger
> it. In the case of FTP, the dropped connection means the file doesn't get
> saved and the rest of the FTP queue carries on.
> Using their File Manager thingy will work around the issue. Also note that
> it is not a Filezilla problem, as some of their support staff have been
> incorrectly telling people. You can use any other FTP client and get the
> same results.
> Now, the problem with scanning for evil things is one of false-positives.
> In this case, they seem to be getting a lot more false positives lately.
> Not sure why, but I suspect badly made and overly broad rules they recently
> added.
> I have some experience with this particular system.. Three years ago, it
> was the cause of me moving to DreamHost.
> http://ottopress.com/2011/godaddy-hosting-epic-failure-looking-for-a-new-hosting-service/
> In any case, if it's a WordPress core files problem, a manual update to
> replace missing files should fix it. If it's any other set of files, then
> the complaint should redirected to GoDaddy support. It's their systems
> doing the blocking here.
> -Otto
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 4:24 PM, Josh Lobe <joshlobe at joshlobe.com> wrote:
>> Here is another relating to the same GoDaddy issue...
>> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/filezilla-ftp-of-
>> woocommerce-fails-on-godaddy?replies=4#post-6004963
>> Thank you.
>> *Josh Lobe*
>> On 9/12/2014 4:58 PM, Josh Lobe wrote:
>>> Can someone take a look at the following thread:
>>> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-when-
>>> attempt-to-auto-upgrade-plug-ins?replies=4#post-6004867
>>> I'm not sure what the fix is for the GoDaddy updates.
>>> Thanks.
>>> *Josh Lobe*
>>> On 9/11/2014 10:50 PM, Otto wrote:
>>>> Heads up to all WordPress support persons:
>>>> GoDaddy hosting had an issue where their FTP system was incorrectly
>>>> rejecting a few of the files in WordPress 4.0 as malware.
>>>> So, if somebody was doing an upgrade manually, and uploading the files
>>>> individually, then a few of the files would appear to transfer normally,
>>>> but actually be rejected and thus not be uploaded onto the hosting
>>>> server.
>>>> The end result of this would be either a white-screen-of-death or an
>>>> error
>>>> message similar to the following:
>>>> Warning: require_once(/.../wp-admin/includes/image.php)
>>>> [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
>>>> in /.../wp-admin/includes/admin.php on line 28
>>>> Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required
>>>> '/.../wp-admin/includes/image.php'
>>>> (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5_3/lib/php') in
>>>> /.../wp-admin/includes/admin.php on line 28
>>>> According to GoDaddy's support people, the issue has been fixed and
>>>> should
>>>> not recur.
>>>> Now, you might think that one-click upgrades should not have been
>>>> affected,
>>>> however, if the particular upgrade process WordPress used on their site
>>>> was
>>>> one that used the FTP system instead of directly writing the files, then
>>>> it
>>>> indeed could be affected as well.
>>>> So, some people probably still have the error message or white-screens,
>>>> and
>>>> may have even attempted a "manual upgrade" as per normal recommendations,
>>>> and yet had no success with that. So they may be resistant to being told
>>>> to
>>>> do the manual upgrade again in order to replace the missing files.
>>>> So if you see this sort of error, ask if the person is on GoDaddy hosting
>>>> and if so, try to explain the problem. :)
>>>> There may be other problems caused by this which are not as easy to spot.
>>>> So, ask if GoDaddy and verify the files are alright before doing further
>>>> troubleshooting.
>>>> -Otto
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