[wp-forums] Grinding my teeth at this guy

andrew nevins andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 20:58:45 UTC 2014

I wouldn't say this topic was handled badly by the way, now that the OP has
opted out of the theme, I think the OP just had some unrealistic
expectations of support.

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 8:41 PM, Kathryn Presner <zoonini at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Okay, so ... that's annoying. I didn't know you could get it from .com
> like
> > that (since I never look over there). But that said, where do people who
> get
> > a theme from .com go for support?
> Most .com themes are also in the .org directory, so they're not a
> problem. The tricky part comes when there's a time lag between the
> moment a theme is submitted to the repo and when it's accepted and has
> its own forum (like Intergalactic), or if a theme isn't submitted to
> the repo for technical reasons, like Stay, which relies on a custom
> post type for hotel rooms.
> That's why we came up with the wpcom-theme tag a while back.
> Volunteers like Esmi (who look at a lot of theme threads) have been
> tagging these "orphan" threads and then I (and other Automattic staff)
> help them out in the forums.
> > How do we not have a place for .com 'distributed' theme SUPPORT?
> I know, it's a dilemma. :-\
> I'm definitely open to better ideas on how to handle these!
> kp
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