[wp-forums] Potential bogus reviews on a plugin

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 18:25:36 UTC 2014

Thanks, Andrew, we're on it! I've let Mika on the plugin team know, found a few sock puppets in there, and let Jan know as he is so awesome at finding the rest. :)

BTW, did you know you can now chat with all of us live in the #forums channel on Slack? More info on how to set that up: https://make.wordpress.org/chat/

We're largely using Slack now for inter-team communication and pretty much just keeping the mailing list around now for non-moderators (who aren't on Slack) to get in touch with us.

Slack allows us to communicate live, and unlike IRC, it has a permanent back scroll and emailed notifications if you're offline, so it's basically the mailing list plus live chat, a fitting replacement. :)

Also, we pretty much have Slack open all day whereas we may only check email a few times a day, so it's much more efficient to just join the party on Slack. ;)

See you there!

James Huff

> On Nov 4, 2014, at 5:17 AM, andrew nevins <andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the plugin author has some marketing somewhere that tells people if
> they leave a review they'll get £10 worth of stuff.
> I've had a brief browse and the only thing I can find is a mention of it on
> their Ebay page, but that doesn't say to review in the WordPress.org forums.
> http://applications.ebay.com/selling?ViewEAppDetails&stab=1&mId=744&appType=1&appId=apps.awesomeship.com
> I just noticed it when the author replied a dozen times to reviews on the
> plugin to say something like "thanks, here's your £10"
> https://wordpress.org/plugins/aftership-woocommerce-tracking/
> Not sure what to do about it.
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