[wp-forums] Need some advice again

jesmioni at gmail.com jesmioni at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 11:23:05 UTC 2014

When we go to school, teachers got to observe characters, yet tolerated and continue teaching them to their full understanding, if the offence is so serious should be given suspension for some days and call back again but not deleting,  i Jesmion have been blocked for disrupt edit, and we go to consensus, yet i was not deleted but, i can read, send textes, and adit in my talk-page untill my suspension time is due, am Jesmion     

Sent from my Nokia Phone

------Original message------
From: andrew nevins <andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com>
To: "For forum moderators. See also http://make.wordpress.org/support/" <wp-forums at lists.automattic.com>
Date: Friday, March 21, 2014 10:10:35 AM GMT+0000
Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Need some advice again

Actually I think it's fine that the new thread was created without
references to payment, I think what pushed me to delete it was him calling
me a butthead. I'll just remove that and re-open the thread, thanks!

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:03 AM, andrew nevins <
andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Someone posted that they would really like support with a commercial
> product and not subtle that they would pay for it. So I closed the thread,
> and let them know that we don't support commercial products, that's fine,
> that's not what my query is about.
> My query is about the second thread they made. The second thread they made
> was the same as the first, but the not-so-subtle stuff was removed. They
> still want help with their commercial product, but they just circumvented
> what I said to post again.
> I deleted it, should I have?
> https://wordpress.org/support/topic/insert-image-into-indexphp-to-overlay-on-top-of-home-page?replies=0&view=all#post-5365022
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