[wp-forums] Support lead at Contributor Day

Michael Atkins michael at cubecolour.co.uk
Mon Nov 11 18:47:21 UTC 2013

Cheers, will do.

Your WCSF12 presentation on WPTV has helped as well - I've just watched it again - Awesome!

On 11 Nov 2013, at 18:02, Mika A Epstein wrote:

> Just remember to drink a lot :) And pace yourself. I was on my feet for half the time.
> Michael Atkins wrote:
>> Thanks Mika - that sounds like an excellent way to keep everyone engaged
>> Michael
>> @cubecolour
>> On 11 Nov 2013, at 16:34, Mika A Epstein wrote:
>>> Yep that's exactly what I did :) I also looked for what the new people were interested in and tried to pair them up right. Like if someone was way into Multisite, pair 'em up with someone interested in it :)
>>> Then I spent the time going in a circle around the table, checking in, asking what they were working on, and either helping them, or telling them they were awesome :)
>>>> Michael Atkins<mailto:michael at cubecolour.co.uk>
>>>> 11 November, 2013 at 5:11:55AM
>>>> I will be leading the support team at contributor day at WordCamp London
>>>> I'm looking for ideas or suggestions to help make this a success for everyone who volunteers.
>>>> What I have so far:
>>>> If volunteers don't already have an account on WordPress.org, their first task will be to set one up and look at the 'forum welcome' page. Then their main task will be to find topics on the forums they can help with, respond appropriately& follow up with subsequent replies.
>>>> At WCSF13 I believe Mika paired people of different experience/skill levels& gave everyone there a title of "Contributor Day Volunteer" - both sound like good ideas.
>>>> I'll prepare a reference list of some common issues that come up with how to fix/troubleshoot them - for example when a user has locked themselves out of their site by changing the WordPress Address& Site Address URLs in General Settings, where the best response might be to guide the user to the appropriate codex page. Volunteers can find unanswered posts with one of these common issues& should be able to provide an appropriate response to help the user. I'll also show things like how to find unanswered topics and when& why to use the 'modlook' tag.
>>>> Any other ideas/suggestions?
>>>> thanks
>>>> Michael Atkins
>>>> 020 86449304
>>>> 07832 773702
>>>> michael at cubecolour.co.uk
>>>> cubecolour.co.uk
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>>> Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
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