[wp-forums] Vol 94, Issue 21 - Do you respond to BOZOs?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Thu Mar 21 01:26:59 UTC 2013

Interesting... Esmi and I gave the same information, worded differently.

Wonder why he only listened to you.


> Michael Stolze <mailto:alchymyth at gmail.com>
> 20 March, 2013 4:46:45PM
> my approach at the moment is to reply directly to the topic (if I can)
> because once their problem is solved, they disappear anyway. the problem
> with just letting them rant and to delete the replies is that this leaves
> the bozo somehow 'lost in space' - it does not actually address the issue
> and might even aggravate the bad behavior because they feel ignored and
> helpless. the BOZO is actually not aware that he is cooled-off unless
> somebody would actually tell him:"'you are under surveillance because of
> earlier misbehavior - your posts are held in a queue and need to be
> approved by a moderator; so clam down and get back to normal."
> Message: 9
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Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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