[wp-forums] profanity on the forums

Jennifer Roberts wpyogimail at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 22:41:18 UTC 2013

Hi Jess,
My understanding is that profanity (definition may be subjective of course) falls under "offensive posts" under The Bad Stuff - and that it is generally moderated.  For sure, if it's aimed at someone, it is (or should be).  


On Mar 4, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Jess Cullinan wrote:

> Reading the last bozo'ed thread and other rather abusive threads around the
> forum, I am curious as to why there is no guideline published about the use
> of profanity in the WP forums.
> Any insights on this? Was it something that was decided specifically?
> I personally find the occasional damn or hell to be fine when expressing
> frustration, but anything stronger than that, particularly when it is aimed
> at insulting a person, seems to me to be very inappropriate in this context.
> Best,
> Jess (jcull76)
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