[wp-forums] Reviews vs. Support

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Mon Mar 4 14:31:55 UTC 2013

My only concern here is whether users who post reviews will know that they
can revise their review/rating, much less that they will be diligent to do

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> wrote:

> Hey guys, instead of being overly critical and telling people to use
> the Support forums instead of posting reviews that are really support
> questions, just let them play out instead. Especially when the author
> is replying to the thread.
> A bad review because somebody has a problem is a valid review
> nonetheless. If the author is replying, then the person who wrote the
> bad review has the opportunity to a) get help and b) change their
> review. Reviews are *editable*, as are the ratings. Let the authors do
> their thing and please don't post text saying that they should move it
> to the support forums instead. Yes, they should have posted a support
> thread, but they didn't, so let the author talk their way into a 5
> star review instead of leaving that 1 star hanging.
> -Otto
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