[wp-forums] deleted obnoxious post

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Sat Jan 19 23:44:07 UTC 2013

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Jennifer Roberts wrote:

> Looks like someone else already bozo'd this guy, but FYI:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/adsense-denied?replies=7
> (Hope deleting was okay - it was mostly irrelevant personal attack garbage)

Hi Jennifer,

No no, you did right. I think deleting that reply was fine (especially
since I was the target of his attack). It's perfectly acceptable to delete
posts when someone resorts to personal attacks like that.

The really messed up part is that had he just explained _how_ he added
those Adsense codes then he might have gotten assistance from someone else.


Jan Dembowski


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