[wp-forums] Escort spam

Mark Ratledge mark at markratledge.com
Thu Feb 14 14:04:40 UTC 2013

What about a nuke button that deletes all their posts and account? The same userrname search that shows spam will show if they have any legit posts. I know they can easily open a new account, and quickly, but it will show some more seriousness on the forum's part. And block their IP for 24 hours?

-- mark 

On Feb 13, 2013, at 11:51 PM, Otto wrote:

> Massive escort spam drive going on on the forums right now. If you
> want to pitch in and block 'em, feel free.
> Block em, bozo em, never trust em, and delete all their posts. No
> worries about that.
> Most of these are manually generated accounts, solving the recaptcha,
> so we need to look into better solutions there.

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