[wp-forums] Troll

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Thu Feb 7 23:17:50 UTC 2013

Or a long time gamer...

I have a hard time not replied "I don't give a flying f*** about your 
'credentials.' You are asking for support from FREE volunteers in a 
forum, vs researching and hiring people. Stop being an arrogant ass and 
consider treating me like a real human being."

Though you can tell when I'm thinking it cause I'll actually bother to 
correct them about how to spell my name. The more you brag about your 
worth, the more I think you're a ass when you (repeatedly) don't read 
that it's Mika with a A. I just copy/paste people's names ;)

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 07/02/2013 22:51 Mark Ratledge said the following:
>> Damn, even as an (unemployed) professor of English I had to look up
>> "widdershins" in the OED:
> You're not a Pratchett reader, then? ;-)
> Mel

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