[wp-forums] Alternatives to "picking a fight"?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Mon Feb 4 21:06:34 UTC 2013

Ideas is for ideas for WP core. It's also a hot mess.

I think it'd just piss them off more, since it's not exactly baked nor 
working well at all as a feeder for trac. Just skimming that post tells 
me he doesn't actually want to discuss anything, and just rant. You 
can't really help that much (and SeaCoast regularly feeds the fire, I 
can't tell if it's intentional).

>> .com or .org, that's irrelevent.
>> Go to either site and have a close look at the logo: It's one brand, 
>> one company, one product, one name.

That's how I know he doesn't care to discuss. He doesn't even bloody read.

Generally I try to explain that hey, this is all done by volunteers. 
WordPress.com and .org are NOT the same, nor are they owned by the same 
company, but YES that is hella confusing. If you want to help improve 
and fix things, we'd love to have you help. You can start by reviewing 
the make sites and joining IRC...

And then I go drink.

Nancy wrote:
> At 02:14 AM 2/4/2013, Drew wrote:
>> keeping an eye on
>> whether he continues to pick a fight under the guise of asking for help.
> For those who ask for help and, at the same time, express some
> frustration at how things are working in general (without any
> intention of "picking a fight"), is there some positive suggestion we
> can give them?
> Is there value to the community in capturing ideas that aren't ready
> for a trac entry?
> I notice that http://wordpress.org/extend/ideas is still "open" though
> I can't find it easily from the menus. Is that the right place for
> constructive suggestions? or would posting there just add to the
> user's frustrations?
> Other ways to give feedback?
> Just askin'...
> -Nancy
> converting2wp since 2005 and still feeling like a newbie
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