[wp-forums] Alternatives to "picking a fight"?

Nancy wpforum at sgtst.com
Mon Feb 4 20:27:51 UTC 2013

At 02:14 AM 2/4/2013, Drew wrote:
>keeping an eye on
>whether he continues to pick a fight under the guise of asking for help.

For those who ask for help and, at the same time, express some 
frustration at how things are working in general (without any 
intention of "picking a fight"), is there some positive suggestion we 
can give them?

Is there value to the community in capturing ideas that aren't ready 
for a trac entry?

I notice that http://wordpress.org/extend/ideas is still "open" 
though I can't find it easily from the menus. Is that the right place 
for constructive suggestions? or would posting there just add to the 
user's frustrations?

Other ways to give feedback?

Just askin'...

converting2wp since 2005 and still feeling like a newbie  

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