[wp-forums] Dev hiring sites

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Sun Sep 2 02:19:44 UTC 2012

Guidelines, they're more like guidelines.

Sorry for the joke ;)

Yes, close the job request posts. They're not supposed to be there, but remember we don't want to scare people off with big old angry NO! Faces. It's an honest mistake, gently turn them all around ;)

If everyone else feels WPCandy is inappropriate then I'm fine with omitting it. This is not an autocracy after all (and now that's going to be hilarious to me for days...)

On Aug 31, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Mark E <mark at edwards.org> wrote:

> Apply whatever rule exists across the board or risk looking like hypocrites practicing favoritism.
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