[wp-forums] dealing with fundamental CSS, PHP, and HTML topics?

Mar Ventus marventus.wp at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 18:00:49 UTC 2012

Hi, guys!
Since you opened the "what should be added to the Forum Welcome" debate
(and yeah, it is too late to back down now, heehee), what do you think
about reinforcing the "no support for premium themes" rule? Lately, I've
been noticing a lot of users with premium templates and plugins trying to
get support on the forums. I suspect that some of them are even fully aware
of the rule, but still post nonetheless without sharing a link to their
site (i.e., so that you can't tell what their themes are).
More concretely put, what I was thinking was expanding the "Include as much
information as possible" paragraph and explicitly ask users to post a link
to their sites (whenever possible). IMHO, said changes should help users
better abide by the "What not to do" section.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 7:09 AM, Jan Dembowski <jan at dembowski.net> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 5:30 AM, Michael Stolze wrote:
> > I suggest to add a sentence or two to the forum rules (not that anybody
> > ever reads them before posting) to set in more details what questions
> > should (or should not) be asked in this forum (similar to what they have
> at
> > the WPSE http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/faq )
> >
> +1 for adding a couple of sentences.
> Some of the questions are acceptable such as how do I remove "Leave a
> Reply" or modify the margin or padding and I think those aren't bad at all.
> I don't think those necessarily should get "See a CSS forum" right off the
> bat.
> But a couple of sentences in the Forum Welcome page along the lines "CSS
> customization is outside of the scope of these WordPress software support
> forums, for more generic formatting support see a CSS forum" wouldn't hurt.
> If a topic started getting deep into CSS customization (again) then that
> could get pointed to as a reference.
> Jan Dembowski
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