[wp-forums] The "No Bumping" Rule - A Plea For Consistency

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue Nov 6 14:20:54 UTC 2012

on 06/11/2012 13:04 Gary Gale said the following:
> Sometimes this reminds the original poster and they reply. But mostly
> nothing happens. So after another few days I put up a comment to the
> effect that I've heard nothing back and I set the thread to
> resolved.

And that's exactly what I'd suggest (and do in similar situations with 
one of the plugins that I support after about 2 weeks of silence).

> Sometimes this bump is ignored by you, the moderators. But sometimes
> it gets moderated and normally with a reprimand along the lines of
> "don't bump, it's not allowed"

That shouldn't happen. The "no bump" rule only applies to those posting 
with questions.

Mel / esmi

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