[wp-forums] Dissatisfied customer review?

Chris Cox chris at renaissance-design.net
Sun Nov 4 13:58:04 UTC 2012

On the other hand, the user is complaining about a premium plugin; 
something that isn't supported on the wordpress.org forums. Neither the 
support of his commercial plugin or his business relationship with the 
supplier are relevant subject matter for the forums, IMNSHO - I'd say 
the main policy of not supporting paid stuff should logically extend to 
not supporting the customer relationship.

Giving customers a chance to mouth off against developers on 
wordpress.org leaves the developers with either their products and 
reputation being called into question on a high-profile forum relevant 
to their business, or being drawn into trying to answer the user's 
complaints outside of their usual support channels and likely having to 
be separated by mods when it inevitably gets heated (if either or both 
parties were reasonable it would have been sorted out between them already).


*Chris Cox*

Web Designer/Developer

Renaissance Design <http://www.renaissance-design.net/>

Mobile: +44 (0) 7779 336185

On 04/11/2012 13:43, Elayne Whitfield wrote:
> I agree that the exact plugin should be mentioned but you can't just pull a
> review down b/c you don't like the contents or the way it was written or
> what was left out of it.  This person has a legitimate concern and he should
> be allowed to vent in the forum.  IMHO.
> He bought the product and is not getting the support that he needs.  The
> vendor could have specified that they only offer limited support or a
> certain number of support requests.  If the vendor decides that a particular
> customer is getting cut off because they are asking for too much support or
> the wrong kind of support then they deserve a complaint.  Again, IMHO.
> Nowhere does it say that WordPress or WordPress plugins are only for
> individuals with a certain level of coding experience.  It is very
> frustrating when support offered is too complicated for users with less than
> expert coding ability.
> Elayne
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