[wp-forums] Dissatisfied customer review?

Elayne Whitfield ewhitfield at executive-assistance.ca
Sun Nov 4 13:43:59 UTC 2012

I agree that the exact plugin should be mentioned but you can't just pull a
review down b/c you don't like the contents or the way it was written or
what was left out of it.  This person has a legitimate concern and he should
be allowed to vent in the forum.  IMHO.

He bought the product and is not getting the support that he needs.  The
vendor could have specified that they only offer limited support or a
certain number of support requests.  If the vendor decides that a particular
customer is getting cut off because they are asking for too much support or
the wrong kind of support then they deserve a complaint.  Again, IMHO.

Nowhere does it say that WordPress or WordPress plugins are only for
individuals with a certain level of coding experience.  It is very
frustrating when support offered is too complicated for users with less than
expert coding ability.


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