[wp-forums] Dissatisfied customer review?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Sun Nov 4 06:09:13 UTC 2012

It's fine to reply and tell them that. I mean, in the context of the post, he doesn't say which plugin or what the problem is... Or what he bought.

The plugin shouldn't be a service, though. It's just a plugin.

On Nov 3, 2012, at 8:53 PM, Jan Dembowski <jan at dembowski.net> wrote:

> Good evening,
> I'm more than halfway leaning towards deleting this topic or at least
> closing it with a note.
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/beware-of-the-author-ruhul-amin
> The problem I have with that post is that it's very one sided and I really
> don't want the vendor and their customer losing minds on the forum.
> Especially considering that I don't think he's referring to the plugin
> that's actually hosted in the WP repo.
> From reading it a few times it appears that the complaint is that the
> vendor isn't supporting the user's customization requests. Or I may be
> reading it incorrectly (not that that would happen again...), but I think
> that the vendor's reply of "We sell a product not customization service"
> really says it all.
> Thoughts? I'll keep an eye on that topic but I'd really prefer that
> discussion stay between the vendor and the end user.
> Thanks,
> Jan Dembowski
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