[wp-forums] Forum CSS

Chris Cox chris at renaissance-design.net
Fri Mar 30 19:49:28 UTC 2012

I'd suggest killing the negative margin-right.

Rationale: it's broken as discussed, and the only reason for it seems to 
be to line it up with the pagination overhead.

Someone getting to the bottom pagination is going to be coming to it via 
reading the content column anyway, thus keeping it beneath the content 
column will decrease time to acquire.


*Chris Cox*

Web Designer/Developer

Renaissance Design <http://www.renaissance-design.net/>

Mobile: +44 (0) 7779 336185

Follow me on Twitter: @RenaissDesign <http://twitter.com/RenaissDesign>

On 30/03/2012 20:40, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 30/03/2012 20:03 Len Kutchma said the following:
>> It seems there is something funky with the forum's CSS that I never
>> noticed until now. Go to a multi-page thread where there is only one
>> reply on that particular page. The page navigation that normally
>> appears at the bottom is suddenly half way up the page.
> Confirmed in my copy of Firefox 11. There's no min-height on .col-10 
> and, combined with the margin-right:-162px on #topic-paging, it's 
> pushing the page links into the right column.
> Unfortunately, .col-10 (the content) and .col-2 (the sidebar) are 
> separate in the markup, so I don't think there's anywhere to put an 
> :after clear hack.
> tld;r: This is always going to happen when the sidebar length exceeds 
> the content length. A fix would need a markup change. Yes/no?
> Mel
> (OK  - so I'm bored...)
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