[wp-forums] Forum CSS

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Fri Mar 30 19:40:06 UTC 2012

on 30/03/2012 20:03 Len Kutchma said the following:
> It seems there is something funky with the forum's CSS that I never
> noticed until now. Go to a multi-page thread where there is only one
> reply on that particular page. The page navigation that normally
> appears at the bottom is suddenly half way up the page.

Confirmed in my copy of Firefox 11. There's no min-height on .col-10 
and, combined with the margin-right:-162px on #topic-paging, it's 
pushing the page links into the right column.

Unfortunately, .col-10 (the content) and .col-2 (the sidebar) are 
separate in the markup, so I don't think there's anywhere to put an 
:after clear hack.

tld;r: This is always going to happen when the sidebar length exceeds 
the content length. A fix would need a markup change. Yes/no?

(OK  - so I'm bored...)

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