[wp-forums] Put 'itsjustathought' on mod-watch

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Thu Mar 15 22:36:53 UTC 2012

Add in the belief that "WordPress" is some kind of (probably evil) Corporate Entity and it all gets a bit too much.

I had a discussion with a friend who is an IT Director and usually quite sane, who was moderately outraged that a point release of WP didn't come with warnings about which plugins in the repository might have issues with it. His confusion seemed to flow from the notion that WP was a "commercial product" and that presence in the repository was some kind of official approval.....

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Losing it[1] - http://losingit.me.uk/
Me on 500px http://lcb.me.uk

On 15 Mar 2012, at 22:22, Mika A Epstein wrote:

> It's cyclical.
> Release a new version. Everyone hates it, we suck, we're evil, blah blah blah.
> Things calm down. This version isn't so bad, here we go moving on, changing, yay!
> It's quiet. We relax.
> Someone can see RC on the far, far horizon. Reports of what's going to be including pop up.
> Anger rises.
> We're not fixing 'things.' (Because there's a new version coming? Because they're impatient? Hard to say.)
> Beta comes out. OMG! You broke my plugins! How dare you use a new version of TinyMCE, even though we've been clamoring for a new version with fixes since dinosaurs roamed the earth!
> Beta 2 - Why is there a SECOND Beta? You suck!
> RC1 comes out. OMGWTFBBQ?!? My world has shifted!!!
> RC2-n, repeat ad. nauseum.
> Finally 3.4 is released and everyone hates us again.
> On 15 Mar 2012, at 5:15:38PM, Francisco de Azevedo wrote:
>> Is it just me or are people on the forums getting increasingly more rude in
>> the past few months?
>> In my opinion, they seem to be loosing perspective of what WP is all about,
>> and of the fundamental forces that drive this platform and its forums.
>> At the same time, WP is slowly but steadily becoming the single most used
>> CMS on the web.
>> So, it kind of makes me wonder if this problem with overall user attitude
>> could be related to a quantity vs. quality perspective?
>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Mika A Epstein <ipstenu at ipstenu.org> wrote:
>>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-custom-cms-your-comment-link
>>> I don't really care that he's calling me names. This is one of those
>>> accounts that shows up and is narky about the things that don't matter with
>>> plugins (readme's aren't right etc etc). But when you shift into personal
>>> attacks to folks, that generally means you're not here to be helpful but to
>>> show off your smarts.
>>> $20 says his next post is something about how I suck for closing that post.
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