[wp-forums] Pastebins

Chip Bennett chip at chipbennett.net
Thu Jun 7 13:39:53 UTC 2012

I wonder if some intrepid bbPress Plugin developer would be willing to
tackle some sort of Pastebin integration Plugin, that we could use in the
forums? :)


On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 8:24 AM, Andrew Nacin <wp at andrewnacin.com> wrote:

> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/backwards-two-column-layout-support-in-34?replies=1
> It is really tough for me to help this poster because the code was removed.
> And since no comment was posted, he was not notified that the code was
> removed.
> There has been a CSS limit for some time on code blocks, forcing them to
> overflow into a scrollbar after X lines. That should in most cases be
> sufficient.
> Since we have that, we don't need to be as strict on the pastebin rule. Or,
> at the very least, we can pastebin it for them while taking the time to
> remove the offending code, which should only take a few extra seconds. Or,
> we can just post a comment letting them know about the rule for the future.
> Either way, the Alpha/Beta forum is about a user helping us, not a user
> getting help. We should try to keep the barrier as low as possible.
> Nacin
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