[wp-forums] Pastebins

Andrew Nacin wp at andrewnacin.com
Thu Jun 7 13:24:08 UTC 2012


It is really tough for me to help this poster because the code was removed.
And since no comment was posted, he was not notified that the code was

There has been a CSS limit for some time on code blocks, forcing them to
overflow into a scrollbar after X lines. That should in most cases be

Since we have that, we don't need to be as strict on the pastebin rule. Or,
at the very least, we can pastebin it for them while taking the time to
remove the offending code, which should only take a few extra seconds. Or,
we can just post a comment letting them know about the rule for the future.
Either way, the Alpha/Beta forum is about a user helping us, not a user
getting help. We should try to keep the barrier as low as possible.


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