[wp-forums] Can someone proof the 3.1 'OMGWTFBBQ?' topic?

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Thu Feb 24 15:01:46 UTC 2011

I slept 3 hours... I KNOW I'm not at my best. I THINK I got everything but I could use a proof-reader before posting.

So OMGWTFBBQ!? WordPress 3.1 broke everything?

<strong><em>Don't Panic!</em></strong>

Remember to be calm, be patient and be respectful.  Volunteers are out here to TRY and help you, but we need your help too.

The standard debugging methods always apply:
<blockquote>Have you tried:

- deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

- switching to the Twenty Ten theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

- <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_Troubleshooting#How_to_deactivate_all_plugins_when_not_able_to_access_the_administrative_menus.3F">resetting the plugins folder</a> by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.</blockquote>

If you have the EXACT same problem, feel free to chime in on someone else's post. If you DO NOT have the exact same problem, DO NOT use someone else's post! It's actually better to make your own post.  Also, if the post is marked 'resolved' you should make a new post.  We don't patrol resolved ones as often.  Make your subject line descriptive "All permalinks broken since 3.1" instead of "AUGH! HELP! YOU SUCK!" (yes, real subject lines).

<strong>ADMIN BAR</strong>

If it's throwing your theme out of whack, make sure you have a call to wp_footer() in your theme's footer.  The next cause for that is your theme's css having a conflict.  If it's your avatar size, again, that's CSS.

Wanna turn the admin menu ON for EVERYONE? Use the <a href="http://blog.ftwr.co.uk/archives/2011/01/05/always-show-admin-bar/">Always Show Admin Bar Function</a>

Like the bar but not the search? <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/hide-admin-bar-search/">Hide Admin Bar Search Plugin</a> is there.

Want to minimise it? <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/admin-bar-minimiser/">Admin Bar Minimiser Plugin</a>

Want to disable it selectively? <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/admin-bar-disabler/">Admin Bar Disabler Plugin</a> can do that.

Finally if you MUST turn it off...

To disable it, you can add this to your functions.php
`/* Disable the Admin Bar. */
add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' );`

OR use the <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/disable-admin-bar/">Disable Admin Bar</a> plugin.

FYI, if you put the plugin in a folder called mu-plugins (yes, you can do this on Single Site as well as MultiSite) then your users won't be able to un-install it unless they go in via FTP.  Just put the mu-plugins folder in the same level as themes and plugins (wp-content/mu-plugins) and copy the FILE (not the folder) for the plugin into there. Done.

<strong>MULTISITE CAVEATS</strong>
Any plugin using the Super Admin menu got their menu items reshuffled.  If you can't find the Super Grover-- ADMIN toolbar, look on your top RIGHT of your Admin 

<strong>LINKS GOING 404</strong>
You may need to let WP regenerate your .htaccess. 
Read http://dre.im/if-pages-return-a-404-after-wordpress-3-1-upgrade

Plugins cause this too. Especially anything screwing around with permalinks or rewrites.

<strong>CUSTOM POST TYPES</strong>

Capital letters will mess you up.  Basically, this was a BUG in 3.0 and was fixed around 3.1-RC3, but a lot of people were doing it anyway.


You need to upgrade to BP 1.2.8.  Also read this: http://bpdevel.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/updating-your-buddypress-plugins-for-1-2-8/

3.1 hides some screen options by default. Just turn on the ones you want.
More info here: http://ottopress.com/2011/wp-quickie-metaboxes/

These plugins have been reported as either breaking your whole site, or simply NOT working on WP 3.1

* Facebook integration plugin (don't know which one, working on that)
* Simple Tags (uncheck "Active tags for page" )
* qtranslate seems to fail on 3.1 as well.
* Featured Content Gallery
* Multipage Toolkit. See: <a href="http://wordpress.org/support/topic/upgraded-to-31-now-my-permalinks-dont-work?replies=38#post-1958820">this post for details</a>

Some category excluder plugins may be broken as well. That one is actually a bug: <a href="http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/16622">Trac Ticket</a>

<strong>WINDOWS SERVERS</strong>
Infinite redirects on IIS servers - Try using the <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/permalink-fix-disable-canonical-redirects-pack/">Permalink Fix & Disable Canonical Redirects Pack</a>

<strong>FATAL ERRORS</strong>
Fatal error in the output means either your theme doesn't like 3.1, you have a plugin that doesn't like 3.1, or you have an incomplete upgrade.

- switching to the Twenty Ten theme by renaming your current theme's folder in wp-content/themes using FTP or whatever file management application your host provides. You may need to access /wp-login.php to get this to kick in fully.

- resetting the plugins folder by FTP or phpMyAdmin.

- re-running the upgrade manually using /wp-admin/upgrade.php.

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