[wp-forums] Anyone want a go with 'None'?

Mika A. Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Dec 20 17:20:09 UTC 2011

Unreasonable expectations have no boundaries and 'because I pay for 
it!' is often an excuse to treat people like crap.

That said, the 3.3 upgrade has had a smaller number of the crazy pants. 
I don't know if it's the holidays or luck of the draw.

On the other other hand, there are a lot more stupid-caching-issues. A 
higher number of people have had browsers NOT let go of the old jquery. 
Telling them to use the 'Use Google Libraries' plugin seems to help, but 
if someone knows why 'flush cache' on browsers isn't killing that file 
(happens on Windows and Mac, every browser except IE, go figure), I'll 
owe you one!

On 20.12.2011 09:11, Tom Barrett wrote:
> Usually people that pay for support appreciate the value more and 
> therefore
> have a better attitude. Which is why the free open forums have a 
> higher
> proportion of bozos. Luckily, for me, I can just ignore it and spend 
> my
> time more rewardingly elsewhere.
> Well done to whomever has the ability and motivation to take that 
> deep
> breath and attempt a helpful response.
> On 19 December 2011 22:33, Les Bessant <les at lcb.me.uk> wrote:
>> It's people like that who stop me spending as much time in the 
>> forums as I
>> used to. I wouldn't tolerate that attitude from the people I'm paid 
>> to
>> support in my actual job.
>> --
>> Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
>> Losing it[1] - http://losingit.me.uk/
>> My flickr pictures - http://flickr.com/photos/lesbessant/
>> On 19 Dec 2011, at 22:14, Mika A Epstein wrote:
>> >
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/moderator-control-1?replies=0&view=all
>> >
>> > His post:
>> > I would like to know who oversees what the mod's control and why 
>> it is
>> that they feel that they have the ability to speak to people like 
>> dirt and
>> then make decisions based on their own want of power. Who is 
>> overseeing
>> these people and how can a formal complaint be made?
>> >
>> > His original post:
>> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/http-error-500-internal-server-error-an-unexpected-condition-was-encountered
>> >
>> > The issue. He was rude, name calling and insulting while asking 
>> for help
>> with an error 500. He didn't know who his host was, or ftp. Finally 
>> he
>> asked how much it'd cost to get help, and he was told where to go. 
>> Then he
>> came back, 5 days later, posting 'modlook' multiple times. Which I 
>> deleted
>> and told him not to do that (it's a tag, not a post). Finally he 
>> said he
>> wanted his original post deleted, because people were finding it on 
>> search
>> and it was unprofessional.
>> >
>> > IMO, the fact that he was unprofessional was no one's doing but 
>> his own.
>> Then again, I'm on Novocain right now.
>> >
>> >
>> > Now all this is AFTER he posted this at esmi:
>> > Well I certainly wouldn't hire you! I am looking for some help not
>> someone who wants to be a smartass and make a bad situation worse. 
>> Is there
>> anyone out there who uses this site to assist people or I am going 
>> to have
>> to deal with someone who simply wants to - for some unknown reason - 
>> make a
>> new wordpress user consider leaving the whole lot behind and going 
>> elseware?
>> >
>> > and this:
>> > Helping? That would be lovely but thus far all you have done is be 
>> a
>> pedantic pain in the ass and really made no sense. I don't need to 
>> use FTP
>> i can access my dashboard. The only suggestion you seem to be able 
>> to offer
>> is to HIRE HELP! I am pretty sure that it not the aim of the forum 
>> so as
>> for "coming out with comments like that" you may want to look into 
>> taking
>> up your own advice. As a forum and a free service, you must also 
>> learn to
>> appreciate that some, if not many, wordpress users are not 
>> experienced in
>> certain aspects of the service and thus require help from time to 
>> time, not
>> pedantic, unhelpful and pretty pointless comments like yours.
>> >
>> > And then this at me:
>> > I am at a loss to understand the tone of your contact, is there a 
>> point
>> in being so pedantic or do you just get a "Hitler complex" because 
>> you have
>> "Mod" next to your name?
>> >
>> > (That's when I closed his post and flagged him bozo - Godwin's law 
>> in
>> action).
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Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)

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