[wp-forums] Anyone want a go with 'None'?

Tom Barrett tcbarrett at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 15:11:36 UTC 2011

Usually people that pay for support appreciate the value more and therefore
have a better attitude. Which is why the free open forums have a higher
proportion of bozos. Luckily, for me, I can just ignore it and spend my
time more rewardingly elsewhere.

Well done to whomever has the ability and motivation to take that deep
breath and attempt a helpful response.

On 19 December 2011 22:33, Les Bessant <les at lcb.me.uk> wrote:

> It's people like that who stop me spending as much time in the forums as I
> used to. I wouldn't tolerate that attitude from the people I'm paid to
> support in my actual job.
> --
> Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
> Losing it[1] - http://losingit.me.uk/
> My flickr pictures - http://flickr.com/photos/lesbessant/
> On 19 Dec 2011, at 22:14, Mika A Epstein wrote:
> >
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/moderator-control-1?replies=0&view=all
> >
> > His post:
> > I would like to know who oversees what the mod's control and why it is
> that they feel that they have the ability to speak to people like dirt and
> then make decisions based on their own want of power. Who is overseeing
> these people and how can a formal complaint be made?
> >
> > His original post:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/http-error-500-internal-server-error-an-unexpected-condition-was-encountered
> >
> > The issue. He was rude, name calling and insulting while asking for help
> with an error 500. He didn't know who his host was, or ftp. Finally he
> asked how much it'd cost to get help, and he was told where to go. Then he
> came back, 5 days later, posting 'modlook' multiple times. Which I deleted
> and told him not to do that (it's a tag, not a post). Finally he said he
> wanted his original post deleted, because people were finding it on search
> and it was unprofessional.
> >
> > IMO, the fact that he was unprofessional was no one's doing but his own.
> Then again, I'm on Novocain right now.
> >
> >
> > Now all this is AFTER he posted this at esmi:
> > Well I certainly wouldn't hire you! I am looking for some help not
> someone who wants to be a smartass and make a bad situation worse. Is there
> anyone out there who uses this site to assist people or I am going to have
> to deal with someone who simply wants to - for some unknown reason - make a
> new wordpress user consider leaving the whole lot behind and going elseware?
> >
> > and this:
> > Helping? That would be lovely but thus far all you have done is be a
> pedantic pain in the ass and really made no sense. I don't need to use FTP
> i can access my dashboard. The only suggestion you seem to be able to offer
> is to HIRE HELP! I am pretty sure that it not the aim of the forum so as
> for "coming out with comments like that" you may want to look into taking
> up your own advice. As a forum and a free service, you must also learn to
> appreciate that some, if not many, wordpress users are not experienced in
> certain aspects of the service and thus require help from time to time, not
> pedantic, unhelpful and pretty pointless comments like yours.
> >
> > And then this at me:
> > I am at a loss to understand the tone of your contact, is there a point
> in being so pedantic or do you just get a "Hitler complex" because you have
> "Mod" next to your name?
> >
> > (That's when I closed his post and flagged him bozo - Godwin's law in
> action).
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