[wp-forums] This post looks suspiciously advertastic

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 06:16:33 UTC 2010

Never mind, the OP replied while I was typing, so I won't be removing this one. I hope zurvio enjoys the revenue generated by his free ad space on our forums.

James Huff

On Oct 16, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Joni Mueller wrote:

> Ha. I'm usually the one who points those out. (And got accused of "picking on" someone on LinkedIn for pointing it out.)   But notwithstanding the URL, had it been mikesmoveyourwp.com, I still say there's no reason why if someone has some product or service that provides a solution -- whether it's pay or free -- they should be prohibited from posting that link.  
> I do object to the posting of such links completely out of context to the topic at hand (which was the situation at LinkedIn).
> Joni Mueller
> Pixelita Designs
> http://www.pixelita.com
> ________________________________________
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com [wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Mika A Epstein [ipstenu at ipstenu.org]
> Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 11:46 PM
> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
> Subject: Re: [wp-forums] This post looks suspiciously advertastic
> No, but there IS a 'no WordPress in your URL' law, as it were.
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