[wp-forums] Forum Rules Edits

Micah Cooksey micah at ronnykathy.com
Sat Mar 13 00:34:23 UTC 2010

Ok, I've added the questions you suggested, anyone else have any they  
think should be included?  If you happen to notice a typo please feel  
free to either fix it or let me know :)  I was somewhat hesitant to  
delete older things, but please delete any questions at the end that  
you feel are no longer relevant.

Micah Cooksey
micah at ronnykathy.com

On Mar 12, 2010, at 11:23 AM, mrmist wrote:

> In message <134977D8-B9EC-48F3-A21A-1AE0342C32EC at ronnykathy.com>,  
> Micah Cooksey <micah at ronnykathy.com> writes
>> Should we update this page as well? http://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_Forum_Hot_Topics
> By all means please do update the Codex page with whatever burning  
> questions you think might be applicable.  As a starter for ten,  
> stuff like
> headers already sent
> cannot connect to database
> How to disable plugins when the admin page won't load
> Might belong in there, and some of the existing stuff should  
> probably be purged out as it seems pretty old.
> -- 
> mrmist
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