[wp-forums] Could someone keep an eye on...

Mark / t31os wp-t31os at ntlworld.com
Mon Mar 8 16:03:46 UTC 2010

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 08/03/2010 11:10 Mark / t31os said the following:
>> Poor guy/gal, and Mel i'm not meaning to overstep you on this, but i 
>> don't think it's appropriate for this user to be linking to a free 
>> copy of a developers work, even if the service received was poor 
>> (this might of been added after you viewed the thread last, so i 
>> appreciate you may not have seen it).
>> I've moderated his/her last post, and dropped in a brief reply.
> I've just seen the last post and agree completely. Apart from the 
> potential copyright issues, I don't think the forum should be seen or 
> perceived to be taking any side in these kinds of situations. After 
> all, we don't know the full story. All we do know is that supplier and 
> recipient have apparently had a falling-out. End of story.
> And I still feel that the forum is not a suitable place to try and 
> apply pressure during these kinds of arguments. By all means post an 
> account of your experience with Theme X or or Plugin Y if you feel it 
> might pre-warn others. But rant? No. That's what blogs are for.
> And interestingly enough, I've seen blogs used in this way to huge 
> effect on 2 separate occasions. :-)
>> Should be interesting to see where this thread ends up...
> Looks like the poster is calming down. Fingers crossed, that's the 
> last of it.
> Mel / esmi
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Spot on.

I always find it amusing when people get angry about the way they've 
been treated, then go and do something as equally 
stupid/bad/immoral/wrong (whatever), using the former as justification. 
In my opinion, it goes to show, the person offended is no better a 
person then the one(or several) they are passing judgement on, of course 
it could just be a shock reaction .. i'm sure we all react in strange 
ways when we're in shock(i know i do, i'm only human)..

Curious to see what happens next..


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