[wp-forums] Could someone keep an eye on...

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Mon Mar 8 11:42:27 UTC 2010

on 08/03/2010 11:10 Mark / t31os said the following:
> Poor guy/gal, and Mel i'm not meaning to overstep you on this, but i 
> don't think it's appropriate for this user to be linking to a free copy 
> of a developers work, even if the service received was poor (this might 
> of been added after you viewed the thread last, so i appreciate you may 
> not have seen it).

> I've moderated his/her last post, and dropped in a brief reply.

I've just seen the last post and agree completely. Apart from the 
potential copyright issues, I don't think the forum should be seen or 
perceived to be taking any side in these kinds of situations. After all, 
we don't know the full story. All we do know is that supplier and 
recipient have apparently had a falling-out. End of story.

And I still feel that the forum is not a suitable place to try and apply 
pressure during these kinds of arguments. By all means post an account 
of your experience with Theme X or or Plugin Y if you feel it might 
pre-warn others. But rant? No. That's what blogs are for.

And interestingly enough, I've seen blogs used in this way to huge 
effect on 2 separate occasions. :-)

> Should be interesting to see where this thread ends up...

Looks like the poster is calming down. Fingers crossed, that's the last 
of it.

Mel / esmi

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