[wp-forums] Plugin support

Michael E. Hancock justmichaelh at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 12:32:04 UTC 2010

From: "mrmist" <listswptesters at mist.org.uk>
> See http://wordpress.org/support/topic/418078?replies=1
> I'll summarise - separate off plugin support from plugin coding / hacks. 
> Plugin coding is much lower traffic, and more specific, and might benefit 
> from its own area of the forums.
> Any views?  I think it could be worth doing.

Seems reasonable, but you get into the same kind of thing with themes. 
Maybe it should just go into Advanced?

Just a note:  if that were to happen, a new forum would need to be created 
for the 'hacks', as the Plugin Forum needs to remain forum 10 as that is 
used in links from plugins.


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