[wp-forums] Looking for Consultants (and Where have I been?)

ipstenu at ipstenu.org ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Dec 14 19:59:53 UTC 2010

In my purely subjective tests, I've noticed that while it works just  
as well as before, I'm getting more spam on my blog where 2.5.0 is in  

Three sites
Site A has 2.5.0 since it came out and gets 10-30 spam comments a day.
Site B had 2.4-whatever last week, got maybe 2 spam comments a week.   
Upgraded to 2.5 on Sunday and now I'm getting 10-30 a day.
Site C has 2.4-whatever and is only getting 2-5 a week.

It's ... weird.

All three sites run the same suite of blockers (Akismet and Bad Behavior).

No idea what it means, but it's working so I'm not sure if 2.5 is a  
spam magnet or what.

Quoting James Huff <macmanx at gmail.com>:

> On Dec 14, 2010, at 10:29 AM, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> Thanks, it's an awesome title. :)
>> I noticed that there seems to have been an increase in Akismet  
>> issues just recently. I'll try to add tags (if necessary) to any  
>> posts on these.
> If it's with the stats graphs not displaying, we'll have 2.5.1 out  
> eventually to fix that, but we don't have an exact ETA.
> ________
> James Huff
> http://macmanx.com
> http://weblogtoolscollection.com
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