[wp-forums] User thejas Spamming Forums

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 13:11:36 UTC 2010

Edit his reply here:


You'll see that he's hyperlinked the period.

This is a tactic that he's employed in every reply in the past, so I doubt there's been a change, but I suppose he could be spreading the spam out through the other replies and not using it in every single one.

I guess each of his replies would requires some investigation, but I can't do that right now. If you want to sideline this for a few days, I'll do it when I get back.

James Huff

On Aug 3, 2010, at 7:52 AM, mrmist <listswptesters at mist.org.uk> wrote:

> In message <7DBF1184-4140-4559-9C72-A4647BB58A7B at gmail.com>, James Huff <macmanx at gmail.com> writes
>> This guy is back to spamming the forums again by posting useless replies with hyperlinked punctuation. I was keeping an eye on him, but I'm on vacation, so I've missed his recent activity.
>> I put him back to bozo (not sure how he got un-bozoed), but I'm on vacation, so I'd appreciate is someone else could go through and edit or delete all of his replies.
> Unless someone's already done it, I'm not seeing any spam.  Though some of the replies are quirky.
> -- 
> mrmist
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