[wp-forums] Temporarily Disabled

Michael D Adams mikea at turbonet.com
Sun Jul 6 02:21:55 GMT 2008

On Jul 5, 2008, at 6:20 PM, Handy wrote:

> Any ETA on when forum profiles will be fixed? Any time I attempt to  
> view a
> profile I get "Temporarily Disabled".

Sorry, I don't know.  It was done as a temporary finger-in-the-hole  
solution to an onslaught of spam.

I've since tweaked a few things that should help on a more permanent  
basis, but I wasn't around when the "Temporarily Disabled" error was  
put up... and don't know how to take it down :)

I imagine the error message will get taken down "soon", but can't give  
any real estimate on what "soon" might mean, sorry :(


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