[wp-forums] Tone

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Fri Sep 7 18:00:30 GMT 2007

Still here, just not spending as much time on the forums as I once did...

I can see some of what I would call rudeness, though more of it from people
not getting the answers they want to hear rather than from people answering
questions. I can also see some *cough* robust responses from some people,
which might be taken as "rude" by some people.

But more of it looks like people reading "tone" into plain text, which has
as much to do with the reader's frame of mind (or their grasp of English
sometimes) than any intent on the part of the writer of the text.

I like the suggestion of removing rude remarks, though. It might encourage
people to think before they post...

Then of course, there are threads like
http://wordpress.org/support/topic/133180?replies=21. Meep.

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Losing it[1] - http://lcb.me.uk
My flickr pictures - http://flickr.com/photos/lesbessant/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com [mailto:wp-forums-
> bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Mark R
> Sent: 07 September 2007 11:23
> To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
> Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Tone
> I have had a few complaints.
> It's never about wrong advice or slow advice. It's never about being
> asked
> to seek more help elsewhere.
> It's always because people are being rude.
> It doesn't matter if the help is free - they are as entitled to ask as
> you
> are entitled to ignore their question.
> Hostility causes hostility. It's circular. And the only people who can
> turn
> that downward spiral around are those that are there constantly in the
> forums. There is no other way.
> I'd suggest modding every single comment that is rude for a period of
> time.
> Don't delete them, just remove the rudeness and leave a note in that to
> reflect in the post. That way the OP sees the forums aren't really bad
> and
> the replier gets to see the effect too.
> M.
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