[wp-forums] Why search doesn't find threads

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Thu Nov 8 09:10:59 GMT 2007

Lloyd Budd wrote:
> http://wordpress.org/support/search.php form uses bbpress' own engine,
> so shouldn't forget about anything.
> Hope that helps,

Actually it doesn't.

There are numerous threads I've participated in that covered issues and 
solutions that are still relevant. Being able to track these down so I 
can just link to them, or at worst update the solution, is far easier 
than always starting from scratch.

Best way to locate such a thread would be with a query like:

	site:wordpress.org/support SEARCH TERMS TO MATCH kafkaesqui

Note that weird moniker hooked to the end. External search engines will 
find a match only when my 'username' appears *anywhere on the thread's 
page*, making it more likely I'll find what I want (well, it used to).

bbPress' search, while very useful, doesn't give a hoot about my name 
appearing anywhere but in the reply field.


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