[wp-forums] But I don't want any spam...

Les Bessant les at lcb.me.uk
Sun Mar 11 11:32:44 GMT 2007

OK, I've no idea how much actual spam Akismet blocks from the forums, but
we've all seen the weeping, wailing and indeed gnashing of teeth generated
by its occasional habit of blocking regular posters[1]. Meanwhile, blatant
spam creeps past it:




No spam filter will ever be perfect - there will always be false positives
and false negatives, but Akismet does seem to have some bad habits...



[1] Putting my email admin hat on, an externally managed spam filter can be
a Good Thing, but if it lacks basic whitelisting functions[2], the phrase
"chocolate teapot" comes to mind

[2] As in "I don't care if nobody else wants messages from that address, but
I need to receive them"


Les Bessant  <mailto:les at lcb.me.uk> les at lcb.me.uk
 <http://lcb.me.uk/losingit/> Losing it[1]
My  <http://flickr.com/photos/lesbessant/> flickr pictures


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