[wp-forums] Re: Akismet thoughts

Handy handy.solo at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 05:41:14 GMT 2007

On 2/20/07, Handy <handy.solo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Honest, I'm not a major whiner in real life.  :-)
> Some thoughts on akismet anti-spam measures in the wordpress.org support
> forums.
> 1) Would it be worthwhile to explore the idea of a notification list or
> feed on the askimet list?  Instead of checking every few hours (yeah, I'm
> a bit psycho) I and the others could then just monitor a feed or email
> inbox.

Before Akismet, we'd monitor a feed of "modlook".  Nice and easy.

2) When akismet marks something as spam, could we give the poster a wee bit
> of feedback?  Enough to let 'em know that trying 7 more times won't make a
> difference?  Here's the most recent thoughts from a user:
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/106960?replies=7#post-520395
> (there have been others, but this one is at least reasoned and thought
> out).
Here's a trick I learned from the forums:


Seriously, how are these issues handled with other bbPress installations
using Akismet?  (there are others, right?)

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