[wp-forums] Beta Forum description

Brian Layman Brian at TheCodeCave.com
Wed Jan 24 05:34:43 GMT 2007

It makes some sense for the forum users to get used to the new release too.
It's better to have a few answers ready when the flood comes isn't it?  Sort
of a Forum RC as far as that is concerned.  The members of the WP-Testers
group should monitor.  BTW, is there a feed burner set up for that forum
too?  I've not piped in much on the advanced forum, but I read everyone of
those posts now.

-----Original Message-----
From: wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com
[mailto:wp-forums-bounces at lists.automattic.com] On Behalf Of Michael B
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 12:23 AM
To: wp-forums at lists.automattic.com
Subject: Re: [wp-forums] Beta Forum description

As a point of history, at least as I remember it, the forums generally *DO
NOT* support alpha, bleeding-edge, versions.  Only when 2.0 was being
introduced, was the beta forum generated.   I do not have the ability to
close it, or lock it, I can only change the name.  Last week, with RC2 on
the shelf, I changed the title, to try and divert any new posts.  2.1 went
gold, and theoretically, it should be closed until the next beta.

Personally, if there's a "market" for a forum for "bleeding-edge" users, and
people want to support it, I have no qualms.  The problem lies however, in
new users getting confused with the different categories, or fora as it is.

So, I can start  a new 2.0.x branch forum, and we can try to recruit support
volunteers for that (it's been committed to be supported for several years),
and I can change 2.1 beta to what ever we want.  But Matt/madwaffee can do
their thing to close/lock the beta forum.


On 1/24/07, Kaf Oseo <kaf at szub.net> wrote:
> Brian Layman wrote:
> > Besides, any alpha or beta that isn't an RC, should really be sent to
> the
> > WP-Tester list and not forced on the forum dudes, right?
> Uh, the same argument can be made about Release Candidates as well, as
> they
> are also considered unsupported.
> The goal was not to confuse or scare members off from posting in the
> 'Beta'
> forum. It was to keep topics on unreleased and normally unsupported
> versions
> from adding to the noise in the other forums.
> Perhaps the Beta forum should be killed after all. Perhaps the testers
> list
> has superceded it fully, and all alpha, beta and RC users should be
> directed
> there. Perhaps. But right now people are posting in a forum where they
> should
> not be, and they can't be faulted for it.
> -Kaf
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